Page 376 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 376

                                           TABLE Now 3-A
               Imports into the Port of Bnshire from different countries during tlic years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
                                  classified according to Persian Customs—<onld.]
                        Articles.           Coin tries.
                                                          1922-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.  1923-24.

                                                            £       £      Tons,    Tom.

                                        German/                       00
                                        United Kingdom                17
                                        Japan .   .          82       8       01
                (9) Umbrellas and Sunshades  .«
                                        India .              62      209      01
                                        Franco                        8
                                        Other Countries     100               03
                                                            294      305     06

                                        Japan .                      320              OO
                                        Germany            1,050    1,S44     1-4     38
                                        India .             490      S26      1-2     1-5
                (10) All other objects .
                                        United Kingdom      290      799     02       1-5
                                        Other Ccvurtries .  660      100     09
                                        Franoo                       388              04
                                                           2,490    4^77     3-7      7-8
               Mineral 03—
                Heavy 03—
                                        India .             430      36      161      08
                  (1) In tins for lubrication .  Urited Kingdom .   199  124  6-3     102
                                        Other Co entries .   46               M
                                                            676      160     23-6     110
                                        India .             480      16      690      06
                 (2) For beating
                                     •{ Other Countries .             4
                                                            480      20      690
                                        United Stales      2,800   11,364   1600     7164
                  (3) Petrol in tins    Mesopotamia .                402              214
                                       . India .                      «               05
                                                           2,800   11,862   1600     7381
   371   372   373   374   375   376   377   378   379   380   381