Page 380 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 380
TABLE No. 3 A-c0nt<L
fmporti into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
classified according to Persian Customs—conl<L
Valvx. Wnoirr.
Article*. Conttrk*.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1922-23. 1923-24.
l t Ton*. Tens.
Silk Embroidery TImoo—
Franco 710 283 0-1
Germany . • 330 148 0-1
(1) Tsllea and Ganze* .
Other Conntrica . 72 90
1.112 621 0-2
China . 840
United Kingdom 1,6S0 1.134 1-0 OS
Switzerland . 7C0 2,783 05 2-S
(2) Otbui . Franca ' 611 235 0-1
Germany . 228 852 0-1 OS
India . 23S 371 02
Other Countries 152 31
3,744 . 6,248 1-0 35
India . 191
France 164
United Kingdom 750 41 05
Ribbon and Lace* , Germany . 12S 284 0-1 03
Austria • 84
Other Coontries 190 28 0-1
Italy . 142
1,162 850 07 03
Germany • 701 04
United Kingdom 1,100 100 0-3
Fancy Trimming .* Franca Rail 144 4
India . 110 1,764 03 14
Other Countries 104 40 0-1
1,468 2.627 07 t*