Page 379 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 379

                                   TABLE No. 3 A—con/4.
           rt* into the Port of Bushirc from different coun tries during tLe yean 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
                          classified according to Persian Custom!—con/d.
                                                     ' Valve.          Weight.
                Article*.           Co an trie*.
                                                  1922-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.  1923-24.

                                                    t        t      Tom.     Tom.

                                Austria                     4,250              11
                                Ccrmany •                    384               1*2
                                India .   •         4.100   4,724     120      15-4
        (4) Thread prepared for sewing em­
         broidery, etc.         United Kingdom      3.100   C.0S6     80       12-4
                                Japan.   •           204              07
                                Other Countries      350     611      0-4      1-6
                                                    7,754   16,061    21*1    31*7

                                Germany •                    255              • •
                                United Kingdom •             254               0*3
        (5) Pore rilk thread  .«
                                India •   •   •              208
                                Other Coun trial .            64
                                                             781               0-3

        (6) Cotton and rilk thread  India ,                 1,519              1-1
                                                            1,519              1*1

        (7) Wool .              Other Co on tries .           12               oo
                                                              12               OO

                                United Kingdom       636     489      0-2      0-3
                                France               242      92      0-1
                                Switzerland          313      28      0-1
                                Germany                      294
       Laeta and Embroidery .
                                Italy .                       20
                                Japan .   . |                200
                                Other Countries               20
                                                    1,191   1,281     04       0-3
   374   375   376   377   378   379   380   381   382   383   384