Page 374 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 374
TABLE No, 3 conti.
Imports Into the Port of Bushirc from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
classified according to Persian Custom*—contd.
Value. Weight.
ArtfcW. Couotrle*.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1922-23. 1023-24.
t t Ton*. Ton*.
8*14- *.
Refined 8*lt Other Otontric* . 10 41
10 4-1
8aIt in Bottle* United Kingdom . 6 03
6 03
Hong Kcog . 7,624 09
United Kingdom 1,175 758 2-0 09
Japan . 2,150 2,044 40 40
India . 1,720 2,497 7-8 45
(1) Cotton tiasn* .
Germ anj 1,690 6,239 10 82
France 214
Other Ccnntrie* 995 119 1-3 00
China . 272 04
7,730 19,767 170 249
United Kingdom 540 1.149 0-3 04
India :Z 400 552 13 04
United State* 33
~(2) Par* Wool timn* .
Frano* •f 448
Germany • 190 278 01
Other Covntrie* 190 170 01
1,320 2,634 1-8
Germany • • • 0 332 04
United Kingdom 88
(34 Wool and CeMon tiara . .* Aiqn 688 04
Ipdi» . 221
Other Cocntrie* 8