Page 375 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 375
TABLE N*. 3-A—<»***•
into the Port of Btulure from different cotmtrie* during th« year* 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-21
classified according to Persian Custom*—conUL_____ _
Valcb. Wnaax
Article*. Co an trios.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1922-23. 1923-24.
£ £ Tan*. Ton*.
Germany • 420 032 01
Franco . 350 24 01
China . 11
(4) Silk tisane
India . 11
United Kingdom 220
Other Countries . 225 1 ©1
995 £99 03
Germany . . 3G0 592 02
United Kingdom . 38
(5) Tissue of mixed Silk and Cotton-
India . 17
Other Countries . 42 11
402 658 G>2
Germany 812 04
United Kingdom 75
<6} Artificial Silk * India . 9
France 8
Holland e
1,010 04
United Kingdom . 240 0*
(^) Bed Linen >* India . 91 94
Other Countries . 98 94
529 14
i®) Bfenooal Tjm— India . 289 .
Japan 270 or
550 14