Page 385 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 385



                                     TABLE No. 3-A—<mtd.
             rti Into tho Port of Bushiro from different countric* during the year* 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
                            classified according to Persian Custom*—contd«
                   Article*.           CounUvM.
                                                    1922-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.  1923-24.

                                                      £        £       Tens.  Ton*.
          Xi*uc*  of mixed cotton and wool—
           (1) Containing more than 10 per   United Kingdom .   210  238  Ol
           1 ' cent and less than 50 por
               cent of Wool.    { Germany .   .                426               0-4
                                                       210     604      0-1      0-4

           (2) Containing more than 50 per
               cent of wool—
                                  United Kingdom .     930     1.136    11       08
               (A) Velvet and plaabea
                                •{ Germany                      71
                                                       930     1.207    M        0-8'

                                  United Kingdom     13,700   13/187    17-     17 2
                                  Belgium              880    1/181     09       1-4
              • (B) Other* not specially^   France.    680       4      09
                                  India .                      360               0-4
                                  Other Countries      162     624      02       0-6
                                  Italy .
                                                               1*214             12
                                                     15.422   18,870    184      14
          Times of cotton mixed with artificial
                                  Belgium                      732               04
                                  United Kingdom      8,000   4/154     r        3*4
                                  Italy .             ljQ20   1.748     1-4
              (A) Centaining mots than 10.   Germany                             1*9
                per cent of silk.                      440    ' 133     0-4
                                  India ,   .                  129
                                  Other Coon tries     ISO     128      0-4
                                                                               • 9
                                                      6/110   7.434     0-2      M
   380   381   382   383   384   385   386   387   388   389   390