Page 388 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 388

                                               TABLE No. 3-A-confd.
                   Imports into tLo Port of Bushire from different countries daring \he years 1921-22,1922-23 and 192J.?i
                                      classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
                                                                 Value.           Weicrt.
                             Artiden.           Coontriee.
                                                             1022-23.  1023-24.  1022-23.  1923-21

                                                               £       £       Ton*.   Toot.
                                            Ccrmany             440     743      22       24
                                            United Kingdom .    200      102
                    (e) Table sQver                                              03
                                            Other Countries .    63              01
                                                                763     0*05     26       24

                                            Germany                     1,186             5-;
                                            France             8,800   9,229    31       3i;
                                            Egypt.             4,100   2,7-32    15      124
                    (/) Smokers’ requisite* .
                                            Austria            1.GS0    1.013    138      34
                                            Other Cocntrice    2,300    2>.«3    8        24
                                            Turkey                       190              II
                                                              17,ISO   14^32 .   67 8    iOa
                                            United Kingdom      6S8     356       1-6     Of
                                            Germany .           420     852       14      31
                                            India .             400     256       1-8     Ol
                    (y) OEce furniture      Franoe                      322               05
                                            Japan .                      45
                                            United State*               006               OS
                                            Other Countries     610      OO      12
                                                               2,018             60       54
                                            Germany             660     1,787    1-5      43
                                            United Kingdom      290      135     0-1     07
                    (A) Toilet article* .   India .              88      166     0-2
                                            Other countries     200     247      0-2
                                            Japan .                     300
                                                               1,328   2,635     2-0
                                            India .              70      135     0-3
                    (0 Travelling requisites
                                        •{ Other Countries .     13     220
                                                                 83     355      03
   383   384   385   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393