Page 391 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 391
TABUE No. 3-A—contd.
rt» into the Port of Bmhire from different countries during the year* 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
Vaixe. Wnonr.
Article*. Countries.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1922-23. 1923-24.
I C Ton*. Tonb.
United Kingdom 1,107 80
Sweden MO 0 10 4
(0 Telephone and telegraph, etc. .* India . 365 2,412 20 302
Other Countries 197 550 16
Switzerland . 1,889 23
1,112 0,090 30 4 481
f Germany 1,870 3,322 0-7 130
United Kingdom 850 1,627 15 2-6
India . 630 1,011 JO 3-5
Japan . 620 459 . 1-3 1-7
(«) All other objecta
United States 55
Franco 803 1-4
Austria 08
Other Countriea 760 31 15
4,760 7-376 11-6 22-2
Furniture, etc.—
Germany 550 2,814 3-7 121
Japan . 380 170 1-5 08
United Kingdom 265 1.101 1 33
Framed Mirrors, Gileses, Vasco .* India . . 448 2-3
France 95
United States 37
Other Countries 425 190 1-6
1,620 4355 7-8 190
United Kingdom 1,325 1,053 7 6-6
India . . 650 1,101 2-9 12-6
Furnilur* .
• 4
Franca 90 113 O-J
Other Countries 310 662 2-7 6-3
2,276 2350 12-6 26-2
ck«*and Crystal . United Kingdom .