Page 396 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 396

                                          TABLE No. Z-K-conUL
              Imports into tho Port of Bushire from different countries during the year* 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923.;^
                                 classified according to Persian Custom*—con/d.
                                                             Valok.          Wkioht.
                       Article*.           Countneeu
                                                         1022-23.  1923-2*.  102223.  1023-24.
                                                           £       £      Ton*.    Tom.
              1 aper—
                                       United Kingdctn     2,500   1,804     40      314
                                       India .             2,100   1,627     30      2C-1
                                       France              1,800    7C0      31      49
                (1) Onlinary jrinting or writing   Germany   1,500  5,106   18-5    981
                 pajrr.                Konrij               700     727     14-5     1-5-7
                                       Japes .              COO      74      8-4
                                       Belgium                      227              1)
                                       Other Country*       924    1,285    200      1ST
                                                          10,304  11,009    1C2-4   l&G-l

                                       Austria              810      37      6-2     24
                                       Germany              400     560      23      3-i
               (2) Other papa Including card   Franco       435     528      19      «
                 board.                                                              6!
                                       India .                      453
                                       United Kingdom               110              M
                                       Other Countries      385     678      5-3     4-7
                                                          2,090    2^66     14-7    254
                                       Germany              168      38      1
                                       India .              145      8       0-8
               (8) Paper objects »  .«
                                       United Kingdom .     125      2       O-l
                                       Other Ccontrie* .    80       2       O-l
                                                           618       60      M
              Ptrfuzni                                                               0*
                                       United State*                232    #•
                                       France.              690     362      08
                                       Germany .            240     454      0-8     H
               Other than scented eoap tad alcho-fl
                 lie pethaea         "  United Kingdom .   • 103    192      0-3
                                       India .                      240
                                       Other Ccvstriee .    77       31      0-7
                                                           1,100   1,616     2-6
   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398   399   400   401