Page 398 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 398
TABLE No. 3-K—conii.
Imports into the Port of Buihire from different countries daring the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
classified according to Persian Customs.—contd. ^ W ciairr.
Article*. Countries.
1922 23. 1023-24. 1922-23. 1923-21.
£ £ Tuna.
Germany 7.8G7
United 8UU» 1,970 3G2 3-0
d 01
India . 1,610 2.043 4-7 ca
(8) Leather .
Switzerland . 900 67 0-7
France 750 337 OO 01
United Kingdom 448
Other Coontaiea 850 18 49
0.040 11,732 13 9 101
Cermany 300 2 0-6
India . 150 1
(9) Other objects in leather . 0-7
United Kingdom . 101 02
OJicr Countries . 38 5 0 1
589 8 16
Gtrmany . . 341 07
(10) Skins, raw, salted, otc. .
64 03
Other Courtriee . 60
455 10
Japan . , 1,830 7,694 12 67-3
. United Kingdom ' 400 604 26 3 i
Potteries of afl kinds India . 201 78 » 1* 20
Germany . 159 1,864 11** 147
Oiler Countries | 128 723 0-7 57
2,718 10,863 18-7 *32
Powder and EzylosiTi
Germany . , 170 86 4 07
United Kingdom • *4
(1) Ammunition and Sporting Goa « . 600 140 2*6
Indfc . • •
SI 0-1
Otter Cctontriea 68
1,101 273 64