Page 402 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 402
TABLE No. 3 A—concld.
Imports into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and !923-2{
classified according to Persian Customs—concld. Wuouz.
Articlf*. Conntr**.
1022 23. 192324. 1022.23. ioa-24.
t t Tom. Ton*.
r Germany 370 220 No. 0C Na 36
i Other Countries . 23 148 W S H 13
(1) Bicycle* . United Kingdom . 29 3G8 6 r» 31 >
427 730 No. 76 Na 140
United Kingdom . 1,470 2,see No. 7 Na 1«
United States 1.4G0 5,282 10 37
(2) Motor Cars
India . 15 W 2
Italy . 557 2
2,930 8,720 No. 17 Na 53
■{ Germany 21 Na I
(3) Motor Cycles .
United Kingdom . 125 r* i
146 Na 6
United Kingdom 950 1.795 3-6 53
India . 340 69 M
4) Accessories and spare pari* United State* 330 481 0-8 05
France 37
Other Countries 73
1,620 2,455 6-5 64
Germany 8
(6) Other Vehicles
•{ United 8 La tea 96
. 104
United Kingdom . 320 239 12 04
India ... 77 41 OS 04
All other articles .
Germany . , 34 346 14 04
Other Countries . 60 186 2! 23
490 812 74 *4