Page 399 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 399
TABLE No. 3-A—contd.
rls into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921—22, 1922-23 and 1923-24
hopo classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
Vai.ce. Weight.
Article*. Countrieii.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1922-23. 193-24.
C l Tons. Too*.
Germany '32
United Kingdom . 278 137 0-8 04
(!) AJ1 otb" kinds
Otb*r Countries . 9
278 178 0-8 0-4
Chemical prodoets of all kinds—
(1) Sodium Chloroid . * India . 50 214 4-9 13
India . 1,100 1,782 23-5 509
(!) All others United Kingdom . 1,025 1.801 19-5 32-1
Other Countries . 130 f-I
2,125 3.713 43-0 81 8
rhaled matter—
India . 1,700 1,159 6-0 02
Prpen, Review*, and Books . United Kingdom . 208 142 1-3 09
Other Countries . G4 195 0-1 OS
1,972 1,490 7-4 79
United Kingdom . 400 449 3-7 4-7
Other Printed matte** . India . 425 220 2-7 4-2
Other Countries 137 09
1,022 009 6-8 84
f Oman . 204 58-1
India . 195 44 100 228
Bahrein 08 2-f
Other Countries 16 3 2
195 322 109 87-6