Page 395 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 395
TABLE No. Z~A—contd,
Imports into the Port of Busliire from different countries during the year* 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
• classified according to Persian Custom*—contd. _____
ViXCK. WnoHr.
Article*. CounUioo.
1022-23. 1923-24. 1022-23. 1023-24.
l t Tom. Tona-
Switzerland . 121 109 No. 106 No. 141
India . 32 »# 15
(2) Silver Watches
United Kingdom - 3 14 6 5
Other Countries , 3 4
101 129 No. 180 No. 160
Switzerland , 300 418 No. 1102 No. 112/
India . 30 r* 35
(3) Other watches United Kingdom 34 CO
France 3 9
Other Conutrira 8 49 34 39 238
308 504 No. 1171 No. 1421
Switzerland . 90
14) Spare part* .
•{ Other coonteieo , 1
90 I
Boats, Slips, etc.—
Mesopotamia 132 Ha 1
0) Motor Boats .
•{ India • , 23 Na 1
132 23 No. 1 Na 1
(2) Bailing Boat . Bahrein 1.870 Na 1
United Kingdom . 74 •4 0-1 OP
(1) 8pare parts .* Mesopotamia , >12 M • •
India . >8 218 0-2 OP
424 280 1-8 OP
India . 9 • >
**><1 other Pasta
•{ Bahrein S • •