Page 390 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 390

                                            TABLE No. 3-A—conti.
                 Import* into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the year* 1921-22, 1922-23 and
                              1923-24 classified according to Persian Custom*—confd.

                                                               Value.          Weight.
                          Article*.          Countries.
                                                           1922-23.  1923-24.  1922-21.

                                                             £       £      Ton*.    Tire
                                         United Kir gdora             240              0!
                                         India .                      194              05
                                         Japan .            13S0     1,037     3-7     M
                                         Germany            1,550    1,413     0-      41
                 (o) Huttons •
                                         Austria            1,450     39       31
                                         Other Countries    1,510     322      3-7     05
                                         Italy .                      803              15
                                         Franco                       516              03
                                                            C390     4,564    16-7    103
                                         India .            ’ 125     326      0-3     04
                                         Japan .              87      163      02      0]
                 (p) Toys and Games      Other Countries      G9      404      0-1
                                         Germany                      897              2-7
                                         United Kingdom               444
                                                             281     2,234     0*      3*
                                         Germany            1,990    2,847    15-0    Art
                  (?) Lamp*, etc. .      India .              77       12      0-5
                                         Other Countries      83      345      04     27
                                                            2,150    34»4     15-9    35
                                         Germany                      12
                                         United Kingdom       55      125
                  (r) Gramophones, etc. .              ✓
                                         India .              41      70
                                         Other Countries      93      42
                                                             189      249
                                         Germany ,           710     1,651    2-7     1*
                                         India .             370     1,268     4-3
                 («) Hardware, domestic article*  Japan .   ,  178    177     0«      M
                                         United Kingdom               314    • •      H
                                         Other Countries      97      121     0-3
                                                            1,355    3,631    7*9
   385   386   387   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395