Page 387 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 387

                                   TABLE No. 3-A—ecnid. .
              into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
        fopo*1                   . classified according to Persian Customs—cont<L________—
                                                      Valux.          W EIGHT.
                 Article*.          Coon trie*.
                                                  1022-23.  1023-24.  1022-23.  1923-24.

                                                    £       £      Tons.    Tons.
                                India .              430    £.160    115      68-5
            Cords, and String*  Zanzibar             250      55     14        1-4
                                Other Countries .    80       10      3-4     0*
                                                     7G0    2,243    289      705

                                India .              240     358      75      12-5
        Waxtd and oiled cloth including,   United Kingdom .   350  146  29     M
                                Germany                       75
                                                     600     579     10 4     13-6
        Mercery. Toys and Hardware—
                                Germany              716    1,926     35      G-0
                                Japan .   .          187     308      05      0-5
         (a) Hooks, eyes, needles, pins, etc. .«
                                Austria              118              0-4
                                Other Countries .    05      133      0-1
                                                   .1,115   2,367     4-5      6-5
                                Germany   -•                 £14              0-4
                                Franco               275     302      08       1-4
         (6) Photographic accessories .  United Kingdom .   113  502  03      <►£
                                India . I            85       76      01
                                Other Countries .    30       23
                                                     612    1,117     1-2     2-0
                                Germany              30      139      05      0*
         (c) Sealing Wax .   .«  India .             22       4
                                United Kingdom .              3
                                                     52      146      05      0-6
                                United Kingdom .    280      257     101      1-4

         (4) Eneawties, Pomades, Waxes .<  Germany .   . 115  174    04       0-4
                                Other Countries .    27      166      0-1
                                                    432      587     108      24
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