Page 386 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 386

                                             TABLE No. Z-A-contd.
                  Import* into tie Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
                                    classified according to Persian Customs contd•

                                                                Vaunt            Wnour.
                           Articles.           Countries.
                                                            1022-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.  192324.

                                                              £        £      Tons-    Too*.

                                           In<fia •   .   *    145              0-2
                   (B) Containing less than 10 por cent   Its!/ .  118  2,092   0-2      3-3
                    of silk.               Unhod Kingdom .            1,112              14
                                           Connany                     820               10
                                                               2*3    4.G24     04       6-1
                  Tisanes of mixed cotton and natural
                                          United Kingdom .    1,500     35      07       04
                   (a) Moie than 10 por cent and Ica^   France. •   «  169      0-1
                     thin 25 por cent of silk.
                                          India .                      295               0-3
                                                              1.G69    330      0*       0-3
                   (4) Containing 25 per oerrt to 90 per
                    cent of silk—
                                           India .                     276
                                           United Kingdom              329
                    (1) All kinds not specially tariffed*  Germany .   308
                                           France.             530     200      02
                                          Other Countries      29      159
                                                               559    1,272     0-2
                                           United Kingdom     6,400   2,786     2-4       1
                                           Francs              560     429      0-2
                    (2) Flushes and velvets .  .*  Austria     95
                                          Germany                      834
                                          Other Countries                4
                                                              6,055   3,053     2-6      1-3
                                          United Kingdom •    1,194    636      0-7      04
                                          Francs               380     105      02
                  Tissues of wool or linen mixed with
                   silk—natural <   artificial—not  Other Countries .  660  320  0-2
                   speoiaOy tariffed.                                                    04
                                          Italy .
                                                              2,134   3,198     11      I'4
   381   382   383   384   385   386   387   388   389   390   391