Page 389 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 389
TABLE No. 3-A—amtdf
Into the Port of Bushire from different countrie* during the ycart 1921-22, 1922-23 and
Imp3rti 1923-24 classified according to Pcriian Custom*—conld.
VlUTE. Weight.
Articlm. Countries.
1922-23. 192324. 1922-23. 1923-24.
£ £ Ton*. Ton*.
C-nnany 153
Irsdia . 100 29
(J) Spectacle*, etc. United Kin-gdom C7 173
Franco 85 56
Other Countries 88 32
340 443
Japan . 330 90 0-7 4-5
Germany 158 548 0-1 0-7
(t; False Jewellery
France 67 83
Other Countries . 77 357 01 0-7
632 1.084 09 5-9
TnHk . 16
United Kingdom . 91
(1) Gold and SOver articles .
Switzerland . 7
Other Contriea . 102
(*) Pearl . Oman . 120
Ind» . r * 86 H
<■1 Harble Stoos . Kuwait ?• 7
United Kingdom . 1
94 M