Page 393 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 393


                                  TABLE N*. 3-A-contd.
          rls Into the Port of Busliire from different cotintric* during tlio year* 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
                         classified according to Persian Customs—con/d.
                                                     Valus.           WraciiT.
               Articles.           Cosntrice.
                                                 1922-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.  1923-24.
                                                  £         £      Ton*    Ton*
                             f United Kingdom .              46
         (/) Steel Boxes .     Germany                       52
                               Other Countries .              6
       Tin, lead, xine, and objects therein—
                               United Kingdom -     740    1,970     5-5      09
                               India .                      173               08
        (1) Tin, lead, zinc, etc.,  in bnra.^
         ingots or sheets.
                               China .                      359               15
                             l Other Countries .     73     152      0-4      2-3
                                                    813    1.654     5-9      5-5
                             f Franco               186              0-3
                               India .              50               0-2
        <2) Object* in lead, etc.
                               Germany                      482               2-3
                               Other Countries .             12      <M)      0-0
                                                    236     494      (►5      2-3

                               India .                       90               0-7*
                               United Kingdom .            6,777             551
       kt *nd Steel in bars, plates, etc.
                               Germany                     4,576             41-6
                               Other Countries .            600               4-4
                                                           10,943            101 8

                               India .                       41
       Wictorts of Cupper sod Niokd .
                            { Other Countries .             126               0-3
                                                            167               0-3
           Nickel and objects therein—
                               United Kingdom .    U40        4      14
                               India .              250     253      S4       1-4
        (I) Copper, Nickd In bam. etc.
                               Germany              240       3      04
                               Other Countries .    66               04
                                                   1,786    260      44       1-4
   388   389   390   391   392   393   394   395   396   397   398