Page 392 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 392

                                             TABLE No. 3-A—eontd.
                 Imports into tie Port o! Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
                                    classified according to Persian Customs—contd.

                                                                Value.          WnouT.
                           Articles.          Countries.
                                                            1022-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.  1023-24.

                                                              £       £      Ton*.    Ton*.
                 Meta! and Metallic Objocta—
                                          United Kingdom .    CIO     1,267    18       G8
                                          India .              152     673      9-5     363
                    (o) Iron and Steel in bar* or shcct-
                                          Swcdeo               88       67      0-8     48
                                          Other Countries .    43      732      1-3     753
                                                              893     2,639    25 6    1850

                                          Gernuny                      251              129
                                          India .              207     232      3-0     127
                    (6) Galvanized iron in sheets  United Kingdom   80  2G3     31      75
                                          United State*
                                          Other Countries      46       57      2-4     2-5
                                                              333      S03      8-5     356

                                        (  United Kingdom .   1,240   1.5C9    31       37-7
                    \c) Tinned iron in sheets ..
                                       'I  Other Countries .           156
                                                             1,240    1,725    31       41-9
                                          United Kingdom      400     2,275     8       354
                                          India .   .         370     1,122    15*7     294
                    (d) Kail*, screw, rivets and pipes*  United States   95  148  2     4-2
                                          Other Coentries      151     223      3-4     104
                                          Germany                      248
                                                             1,016    4,010    291     85-7

                                          United Kingdom     1,440     307     16*      34
                                          India •             750     1,180    12*7    283
                                          Germany             550     1,067     8*3     7*0
                    (<) Objects other than Mertery,                                     OJ
                     Hard rare, eta.    “  Japan .                     1G0
                                          United States
                                          Belgium .                     8
                                          Other Cowtris*       09      75       0*2
                                                             2,809  •  2,805   37-2

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