Page 368 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 368

                                          TABLE No. J-A—ccnid.
              Imports into the Port of Bu shire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 ni>d 1923-24
                                 classified according to Persian Custom*—contd.

                                                             Value.          Wticirr.
                        -Article*.         Countries.
                                                         19*22-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.  1923-24.

                                                           X       X       Ton#.   Ton*.
                                       India .              4S0    1,732    <52-0  1,333-9
                                     { Mesopotamia          300     036     COO      81-3
                                                           1,010   2,388    1220   1.417-2

                                       India .              3C0     321     300      437
                Bulcy and OaU .        Mesopotamia                  284              208
                                       Other Conntries .    84              130
                                                            444     005     G30      C4-5

                                       India .                       3               08
                Craina, other
                                     { Other Countries .             3               08
                                                                     16               16
                Starch                 India .                       6
                                       India .            5,700   11,751   3800     823-4
                Edible Floor
                                    -{ Other Countries .    112              60
                                                          5,812   11,751   3800     823-4
                                       Italy .                      112              2-2
                                       United Kingdom       180     216      1-7      1-9
                Macaroni               India .                      295              30-7
                                       United States                 7
                                       Other Countries      GG       39      0-2      08
                                                            246     6G9      1-9     35-6

                                       United Kingdom      670      302      3-3      10
                BiMUits (aO kinds)     India .                       38              0-8
                                       Other Countries .    28               0-1
                                                           306     340       3-4     t-6
   363   364   365   366   367   368   369   370   371   372   373