Page 366 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 366

TABLE No. 3-A—contd.
              Import* into the Port of Bushire from different countries during the years 1921-22,1922-23 and 1923-24
                                 classified according to Persian Custom*—contd.

                                                             Value.          Weight.
                        Article*.          Countries.
                                                         1022-23.  1923-24.  1922-23.  1023-24.

                                                           £       £       Tons.   Tons.
                                        United Kingdom               35            l <8
                                       India .             1,070    400     88-0     550
                Raw Cement           .*  Belgium            200             29 0
                                       Germany              57      239      60      30-3
                                       Mesopotamia                   4               oj
                                                           1.327    774     1230     91-3
                                       Oman .                        99              309
                                       Kuwait                        92              105
                Gatcb and Lime .
                                       India .                       88              12-7
                                       Bahrein                       30              10
                                                                    309              611
                Bricks                 India .             2,800            4-10-0
                                                           2,800            440-0
                                       India .              162    1,172     2-2     14-4
                                       Aden .                       305               2-*
                Butter and Margarine—
                                       Mesopotamia                   SO              0-8
                 (1) Fresh or Salted .
                                       United Kingdom
                                        Oman .                      184               1«
                                        Other Couxtxie*              18
                                                            162    1,759     2-2     202

                 (2) Small Tins      ■{  India .            8C0     397      5-9
                                        United Kingdom .             37               0-4
                                                            860     434      5-9      2-5

                                        United Kingdom .    404     309      14       H
                                        India .   ..   .    16       1
                Coeoa and Chocolate
                                        Switzerland .       23               01
                                        Other Countries ,  • •       10
                                                            443     320      16
   361   362   363   364   365   366   367   368   369   370   371