Page 359 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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                                  TABLE No.2*RM-t»n/<L
        Principal Export* from the Port of Bushire to different countrxc* during the year* 1921-22, 1922*23
        Fnnapo*                       ^ 1923-24 -con/d.

                                          Vala*.                   Weight.
                                  1921-22.  1922-23.  1923-24.  1921-22.  1922-23.  1923-24.

                                    £        £        £      Ton*.    Ton*.   Ton*.
                                             100      79               5*1      54
        Edible Put* .                         32       4               0-6
        Almond* end PinUchio*      48.792  G2.250   64,970    699    7,220    862-6
        Cheese                                24      133                       0-4
        Tate*                       8,016   5,450    6,378    767     880 0  1,1836
        Dried Raisin* .             2,903   12,247   1,399    111     680-2    670
        Keta                         291     300     1,567     13     13-3     fc-l
        Jrico and Syrups withc/at alcobol     50      104              1-5     11 I
        Vegetables (Fresh) .         622     201     2,510     31     27-8    787-2
        Vegetables (dried)           52      909      008             45-8     61-3
        H-ccy .   .                  190     218      335      3       4-6      6-5
        Emits (fresh or dried)     2,004    3,720    5,343    176     453-7   624-3
        Vegetable Oi                 110              244      2                4-7
        Erect* ....                  63               258      1                3-1
        Salted Fish                  250      55    2,166      13     2-0     237-1
        Alcohol, spirit* of *D kinds, Whisky and   21  137                     46-2
        Drag*, Aanfeetid* ....               308     651               6-6      4-9
        Dni**, not specified ....   3,346           7,125      75             272-7
        Cam Tragucaath ,   ,   ,   ,  113,057  70350  65,610  673     614-3   685-6
        Other Gam* .....           4^66    18^51    27,973    182    U049-8   464-7
        8Pwi.................................................  88  665  1,456  3  84  400
        Ctj0»ng. Woolen* ....                870    1,289              1-0      0-4
             othea ....             814      121      194              0-5      0-2
        0*t*                                5,549   6,697              8-6      8-0
        Animal matters, not specified .  2,189  144  616       11     13-8     106*7
            mattery raw, not specified   34  988    U95               46-4   2,364-4
       Cotto^ Raw ....              773     8,196   36,998     14     1660    678-0
        Raw wool                             748     U339             210      200
                                              <8      134    • 9       2-1      4*7
   354   355   356   357   358   359   360   361   362   363   364