Page 354 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 354
TABLE No. 2 '* A "—canid.
Priocipnl Imports into Buslure from all sources during the years 1921-22, 1922-23 and 1923-24—conf«.
Value. Weight.
1921-22. 1922-23- 1923-24. 1021-22. 1922-23. »W3-24.
£ £ £ Ton*. Ton*. Ton*.
Ribbon* tnd Lace* f 1.152 850 0-7 01
Fancy Trimming * 1.458 2,027 0-7 22
Tissues not specified . . 1,800 1,298 2,014 141.5 153 »
Pore Cotton T»aoe* unMeached 8,324 63;759 31,375 0 215d 1130
Pore Cotton Tissues bleached 81.430 158,207 2360 384-1
Pore Cotton Tisanes dyed cr printed . 387.370 475,289 963-4 1.1324
Pore Cotton TL-siue* mnnolactured from 147,050 152,628 430-6 432-8
dyed thread.
Wotcq Fancies . . . , ; 7,020 475 15 1 06
Handkerchiefs ... 307 450 04 06
Velvets and Plushes all kind* 7,103 3,150 8,379 0 4-1 5-9
Toilet not embroidered i 979 C93 05
Cotton Table CT-oth . a 236
Cotton clothing and trousering . 11,120 200
Oriental Shasta . 778 670 333
Blanket* ... ... 260 716 3-7 12
Miscellaneous wooDeh tisanes . 23,530 27^04 .14*7 180
Tissue* of pore artificial ailk ;; 3,325 6,865 1*0 1*3
Tissues of Hemp and jnta . 1,023 2^50 fi.910 16 43-5 120-3
Tisanes of nataral SQk 3,442 14,236 13 1704
Tisanes Spangled or embroidered trith 755 ’ 27
gold or silver.
Tisanes Other spangled or embroidered. 487 0*1
Tulles knd Gauzes not embroidered 201
Tiaaoef of cotton and wool f containing 210 664 0-1 04
more than 10 per cent and less than
60 per cent, of wool).
Valvrf* and Pina Lea . ; 050 1,207 1*1 Of
Others not specialty tariffed 11,163 15,422 18,870 9 18-6 36
Tisanes of cotton mixed with artificial 27,865 6,810 7,434 9 6-2 14
ailkfeontainiog more than 10per cent
Tisanes of cotton mixed with artificial 263 4j624 0-4 f-1
*Uk (containing leas than 10 per