Page 349 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 349

                                      TABLE No. 1 * A.”
         Comparative statement of Import* into Bushire from nil countrie* during tbe yeaxi 1921-22, 1922-23
         w                              and 1923-24.

                                                  Increase in   Docrcaso in   ArrBOxncAT* rw-
                                                   1923-24   1923-24    CEXTAOE.
             Conntrica.   1921-22.  1922-23.  1923-24.  compared   compared
                                                    with    with
                                                   1922-23.  1922-23.  1922 to 1923.  1923 to 1924.
                            £        £       £       £        £     Per cent  Per cent.
                          776,894  536,315  776,330  240,015          38-78   38 58
         fy'tcd Kingdom and   362,395  498,451  696,235  97,784       3603     29-00
          British Empire.
         Qina •            37,204   11,590  25,120  13,530             083     1-25
         jWjpotamia .      10,422   3,447    8.S22   5,375             024     044
         Oean ....          2,232   5,520    7,313   1,787            039      035
         U.S. America       6,982   8,532   21,099  12,507            0 61     1-00
         Sri-aeriand        2,520   3,863    6.643   1,780            0-21     03O
         Btlnin             6,753   2,394    6,659   4,205            0-17     033
         luij •            32.418   12,350  27,070  14,720            094      134
         J*jaa .           19,559  16,500   26,386   9,886             1 19    1 31
         EgJi* •           31,786  16,400   21,787   5,387             119     1-09
         Frame .           44,127  103,917  167,668  63,751            7-51    8-35
         RsnH               1.266   1,990     958            1,032    0-14     0-04
         Bdpam             40,131  17,510   41,987  24,477             1-26    209
         Evtden              75     3,738   8,061    4^23             0-27     040
         U»t .              2^93              248     248                      OOl
         Hoeftong                           19010   19,010                     095
         hn .             113036   56080    78018   21,833             4-07    389
         Ccnaaaj           17098   45043   111,773  65,830             331     6 55
         2iax3af             866     940     1,777    837              006     009
            .                202              64       64
                             139              602     602                      003
         A««tria.          4,526    4^70    6,473    1*503            035      0-32
         Bqtwij                                        n              004      004
                                     700      727
         Hoik*                                                421     002
                                     550      129                              OOl
            .              • •                477     477                      002
                           16,110  30,955   61,141  20,186             231.    2-55
                 Total   1,026,694  1,382,961  2,011,772  630,264  1.453  100   100
                                                    Increase in 1923-24
   344   345   346   347   348   349   350   351   352   353   354