Page 409 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 409
TABLE Nou 5-^-<wU«L
from the Port o! Bushire to different countries during tbo year* 1922-23 and 1923-24 classified
Export* according Jo Persian Customs—conlL
I j Valcr. Wkiort.
Article*. ? Countries.
1022-23. 1923-24. 1922-23. 1023-24*
£ f Tons. Tons.
India . 122 148 120 48
20 608
AniB*l not apocJjod . Oman .
Other Countries . 22 343 13 30-J
144 510 138 IOG-7
Kuwait 230 43 25 4-4
Bahrein 750 433 21 3838
Raw not specified 880 •4 1,972-8
Oman . 8
Other Countries . 34 3-8
9S8 1,395 48-4 2,364-4
India . 7,400 36.245 143 087-8
Bahrein 730 814 12 8-T
Clean Cotton 1 1-8
Oman . 65 127
Kuwait 12
8.195 38^98 158 678-0
Japan . 84 % 81
India . 680 478 19 88
United Kingdom 211 88
Raw Wool .
Germany 88 4 1
Other Countries 2
768 wn 21 20-8
Xetopotami* 48 68 18 88
Ink { 22 68 •f 1*8
% Other Countries .
68 134 4dr
Bahrein 28 •8
CoHou Tar*
Other Countries . 168 • 3
28 168 * f 8