Page 414 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 414
TABLE No. 3-B-conU.
Exports From iLePort of Busliirc to different countries during tlie years 1922-23 and 1923-24 classified
according to Persian Customs—contd.
Valu*. WtMIIT.
i Artidre. Count re*.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1022-23. 1921-24.
I t Ton*. Toma,
Miami matter*—
Kuwait 87 •5
Coppor articles
•{ Oman . 11 •5
67 11 •5 •5
Coins (Krans) India , 174 4-1
India . 1SS.333 324
Oman . 12,767 21*
Bahrein 4.026 4
Coins (Bapees)
Kuwait 4,134 •7
Mesopotamia 3,936 4
Muscat • 689
213,776 VA
Tinplates Mesopotamia 464 64
Egypt. 1,081 44
Iron, naD, etc. Oman . 30 4
Other Countries . 12
1,123 >2
United Kingdom . 376 2
Zinc, Lead, eta. .
•{ Oman . 7
382 2
Bahrein 49 •3
Kicks! matters .
{ Other Countries . 72 •3
121 4
Frfral Oman . U72 1223
Francs. - 152 01
Objects d'art
Other Countries . 80
152 133