Page 416 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 416

                                       TABLE No. 3-B-conU.

            Exports from the Port of Bushfre to different countries during the years 1922-23 and 1923-24 cla
                                   according to Persian Customs—conttL           asi,»ed
                                                         Viwi              Wkioiit.
           *.           Countries.
                                                      I9!2-23.  102324.  192-221.  1923 54.
                                                        £        £      Ton*.   Ton*.

                                    Germ Any            2,400             0-2
                                    India .             3,000             44
             Lamb Skint ,           United State*       1,070             33
                                    E?jpt .              800               1
                                    Otocr Countries       32      127
                                                        7,902     127     149

                                     Franc©.            1.885    1.715    35
                   4                                                               I
                                     United Kingdom      C50     1,822     8       i
                                     India .            1,440   2,770     X       4S
             Fox, Marten, ©to.
                                     Egjpt.                      417               •7
                                     United States                 7
                                    Germany                       24
                                     Other Couatriea     135       3       •1
                                                        4,110   6,758     54      Cd

                                     India .            44100   4,452    101     S>1
                                   [ France.              64       7      13
             Other skins (Raw dried)
                                     United Kingdom .             21              35
                                     Other Countries .           1,164           io:
                                                        44J04   5.644    102-3

                                     United Kingdom .            848             14*
             Tanned Skins
                                   { Other Co on trio* .  63      25      M
                                                          53     873      M      14*

             Grindery                Other Countries .    68      82       •2    145
                                     India ,                    7,282
            Faaria .              .*  Bahrein                   6,453
   411   412   413   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421