Page 415 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 415
TABLE No. Z-B-conid.
Export* from the Port of Bushire to different countries during the years 192&23 andl923-24 classified
according to Persian Customs—conltL
Value. Weight.
Article*. Countries.
1922-23. 1923-24. 1922-23. 1923-24.
* t ■ Tom. Toot.
jLrtifici*! Silver Other Countries . 2
jUaminituB wnn; etc. Other Countries . 10
jririce article* . . Omuj . 3,503 931
Bahrein 50 78-3
Stli Oman . 65 78-1
I Other Countries . 0 4
127 160*
Hong Hong . 330,000 16,931 130 4-2
China . 111,000 243,484 76 611
Rnsain 130,000 846,293 52-5 106-1
India . 37,000 17
Japan . 23,500 65,033 9-0 10-1
United Kingdom 1,600 18 •7
Egypt. 1,240 •5
United States 12,720 3-5
Arabia 61,904 20-8
Oman . 10
664^40 1.246,433 286-3 271-8
Bahrein 1400 2,420 33 431
Oman . 134 183 3-4 3-3
India . no 202 . 2-1
'Hkiad., . 14
Mesopotamia • • n 4
If meat ,
Other Countries 100 100 2-4 3-f
1.608 2,947 47 44-4