Page 419 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 419


           jfcturn  of Shipping of nil nationalities which entered and cleared in tho Foreign Trade of the Port of
                         Bushire during tho year 22nd March 1923 to 21 at March 1924.
                                                   STEAM VESSEL.

               Nationality of Venecia.
                                     Wrrn Cajioo.       In Ballast.        Total.
                                  Number of   Net   Number of   Net  Number of   Net
                                   Vcwcls.  Tonnage.  Vessels.  Tonnage.  Vessel*.  Tonnage.

           >rnish                      132   479,19-3    52   143,717    164   032,910
                    Kochi Mara

           fejuacse - *  Shinkai Mara .                                    3
                    SbikoUo Mara.

           Cvztrt Wingfat                                                  1
           Cljaae Co loan*                                                 1

                       Total           132   479,198     52   143,717    1C9   622,916


                                     With Caeco.        In Ballast.       Total.
              Nationality of Vcaaeb.
                                  Number of   Net   Number of   Net  Number of   Net
                                   Vessel*.  Tonnage.  VcsBela.  Tonnage.  Vessel*.  Tonnage.

                                       112   416,830     52   206,080    164   622,916
                    Kochi Mara .
            ‘Vata* . Ehinlcai Kara .                                      9     • •
                    Ehikotao Harm.

            ***** Wingfa*                                                 1

                      Total            112   416,836     62   206,086    169   622,910
                                      OICP—M-XJ (36)—10 3-26—10
   414   415   416   417   418   419   420   421   422   423   424