Page 45 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 45
Table IV.—Tots! Foreign Trade of Southern Persian Ports (excluding those of Arablstan)
during the years 1913-1.4, 191.4-15 and 1915-16.
Increase Decrease
ia 1915-10 la 1915-10
District, 1913-14. 1911-15. 1915-16. u compared as compared
with w tb
1914-15. 1914-15.
£ £ £ £ £
Bushirt . 825,767 669,239 777,317 107,973 Abbas 411,631 253,US l 427,'303 109,157
Liogeh 180,5:1 129,071 111,372 27,703
Dilwor oil $62 653 109
•T*biri 1,231 1,594 451 1,440
Bandar Pilam 2,201 1.1*56 1.512 1S6
Bandar PJg . 713 227 211 13
Gecaweh • 2 CO 581 030 61
Khars 103 659 297 362
B ;dh’Heb . 27. 63 213 It 5
Chahbar 16,293 I1..T0 20,390 9,5:')
Jaihk • 2,625 23.8 3.327 ’ .79
Kishru 11,0-7 1:,S 16 11.202 27.:--: 6
Tub luliiub) 505 53 1,071 1.013
1,126,749 1,02?;513 U36.2S5 316,419 29,677
Increoso £236,772
Bosbiro C01,7:-5 719,171 533,036 136,115
Bandar Abbas 305,411 3,579 230,901 233,322
Lingeb 119,931 99,791 60,391 3J,4f>0
Dilwar 8,5-55 7,661 701 6.9S3
Tahiti IS.C'SO 9,605 3,353 6,253
Bandar Dilam 11,855 11,109 2,135 8.974
Bandar Rig . 1,733 1,713 34L 1,372
Gooaweh 1,961 4,854 2,172 2,5 S3
Kharg • 2S7 3 48 142 206
Bndhillei . 155 2S7 35 252
Chabbax . 23,171. 23,461 40,786 17,323
Jashk 730 947 873 74
Kisbnx • 22,COO 915 0.311 Xs96
laib (iUnxb) 38,173 7,073 26,10* 19,032
1.15I.S50 890,569 963,430 275,072 202.211
Increase £72,861