Page 49 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 49


        Return of British Shipping which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port of
                     Bushire during the year aist March 19is—20th March 1916.


                                         With Cjlboo.   la Ballast.      Total.
            Countries whence entered.
                                       No. of   Net .  No. of   Net   No. of   Net
                                       Yeisola. i Tonnage.  VcmcLj.  Tonnage.  Ye.rsela.  Tonnage.
      United Kingdom                       7 j 17.797                     7    17,797
      India •   •'                        10)   139.585    4   10,100    107  149,693
      Fort Said  .                                        11   27.760    11   27.760

                                          110 *  157,352  1-3  37,363    125  195,250

      Uciie-1 Niagdom                      6    14,339                    6    14,339
      India                                93  123,297    10   23,556    10S  161,853
      Port Said \                                          3    6,180     3    6,18o
                                          101  142,636    13   23,736    117  172,373

                                 B. G. P. I.-25 P. k P. D.-2C-W7-5t
   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52   53   54