Page 51 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 51
No. (MGS (a), dated Basrah, the 20th October (received Gth December) 1917.
From—Major A. P. Trlvor, C.I.E., Deputy Political Resident in the Persian Gulf,
To—The Uox*bi.b Me. A. II. Grant, C.S.L, C.I.E., Secretary to the Government o£
India, Foreign and Political Department, Simbu
I have the honour to submit for your information the Trade Report for
Busbiro for the Persian Fiscal year March 21st, 191G, to March 20th, 1917, which
has been compiled by Mr. II. G. Chick, Commercial Adviser.
The Foreign Office, London, are not calling for, or printing Trade Reports
for circulation during the war, and for that reason no copy is being despatched
direct to His Majesty’s Secretary of State for Foreign Allaire. But in view of
the requirements of the Trade Commissioners, and of tho possibility of future
requests for information it eeemed desirable to have on record, for official use
in the Gulf and Persia, the material statistics necessary to afford comparisons
and maintain the sequence of reports unbroken for many years past.
A short report giving only the more important tables and explanatory notes
on prevailing conditions has therefore been made this year: and if the Govern
ment of India are pleased to have it printed, I should be glad to be furnished
with 10 copies for use in the Consular Offices in this region-