Page 71 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 71
Tnblc So. 3 (A)~!mports Into the Port of Bushirc from different Countries during: the year»
1915-16 and 1916-17. classified according to Persian Customs—ccntd.
1916-10. 1916-17. 1916-10. 1016-17.
£ £ Ton*. Tons.
floor . In!!* 1 3, SIS 30,221 266 1,091
Turkey . 36S
Other Countries 174 186 38 10
3,657 30,107 202 Wl
Macaroni an-d rcnniwlli 17 2 •••
EUcoit* Tufa 227 318 3 3
United Kingdom 16 17
Oiler Countries 1
2.14 365 3 3
Alimentary Preccrrei
Cheese tod milk . India 53 116 1 1
United Kingdom 15 6
Otler Cocn'.ria 3
71 I 120 1 i 1
Pates Turkey 892 1,365 168 153
Oman . 248 £36 37 47
1,140 | 1.S01 205 | 202
Chroni , limeat . 33 1
Freeh anl driod . India 467 5-30 30 28
Other Countries 34 170 4 11
601 | 729 34 39
Presorted . India . . 661 870 13 13
United Kingdom 24 5
Other Countries 10
698 875 18 13
OSmoll rnd«ft 34 48
Pranes . 8
Italy 7
83 64
Tegetahl* oik India • . 81 70 3 S
Other Countries 25 3 •••
106 70 4 3