Page 67 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 67
Table No. a (A)—Principal Imports into Busliirc from nil sources during the years
I9>5-i6 and 1916-17. Whig nr.
1911-15. 1915-10. 1915-17. 1911-15. 1916-1®. 1916-17.
£ e £ Ton*. Ton*. Tons.
}£»lcbc* 3,313 591 8.039 62 20 105
Wood for baiUine 3.772 1,271 4,570 685 174 876
Wood not *peciGc«i 1.017 1,926 1,976 1,304 2,326 1.5SO
Wine* 382 510 336 4 3 3
Whiilcy and Spirits 1,213 14181 1,058 15 12 6
Bur, etc. • • 275 391 921 13 16 23
Candle* 4,594 1,307 4,473 98 3-5 59
Coni and charcoal 2,330 1,141 2,719 463 222 317
Coffee • . 64 532 214 1 -5 2
Batter * 261 226 4,695 2 a 31
P.ioe • 21,190 22-236 61,306 1,778 1,767 4,015
Floor ... 3,859 3,967 30,407 3CG 202 2,001
Wheat • , 2-47 79 1,625 43 7 112
Barley _ • 1,6-18 5.791 275 520
Ocher grain * . 1,971 1.S09 3.764 192 143 235
L'-af sugar . 8-8,633 17,230 •i?,94S* i 4,617 4--d 903
Crjilil me aeft aouar 66,804 00,6 44 -3.J,850 | 2,914 2,434 C,756
70,171 264-510 62,438 600 1,674 250
Drugs and medicine* -4,156 4,921 7,619 '
Sence* . 17,5 J5 2-1.908 13,946 315 460 172
C..:hing . . •1,611 2.576 3,576 3 2 1
Kerosene oft 3,SOI 3,039 7,077 424 291 505
Iron sod sweJ in ban, etc. . . . l,t29 068 227 f 170 43 12
Ir;n and steel inanifidcros . - • 5,724 2,030 2-527 167 53 44
T'a, lead apdpinc in bar*. blocks, etc. 4,581 6,205 12,181 29 33 40
C ;pper and rikcl in bare, plates, etc. 8,156 273 429 96 3 2
irincral predict* N. S. ... 5,605 234 622 949 317 147
CM ton jams ..... 16,2-19 21,213 55,031 195 308 418
Tissues of cotton • . . 261,960 250,310 <£51,368 1,617 1,763 1,810
O-.bcr tiesuea of cottoe, plashes, etc. 998 132 204 2
Tunes of px-e wool ... 2,020 17,168 8 4 25
I.-.-dian aba-wls of wool . . 1,156 778
T-rcuc* of wosl mixed srith cotton . 14,030 14 3 38
Jpte yam*......................................... 451 597 Id 10
Tissue* of 2u and hezsp ... -4.127 2,054 2,316 104 63 35
Tissue* of *£lk......................................... L552 1,332 5,611 1 S
Tlrsac* of sLk mixed cotton, gold and silver 2,955 1,145 15,732 4 1 18
Dice and embroidery . 716 498 907
Tissue* not sfeciGed • 926 876 3,140
*kye and ccatiige 616 £56 727 21 33 16
MiTcwy and laocrdashery 6,503 4,406 4,333
rerniture......................................... 2,935 792 1,083 6 6 3
* for prixiing, etc. . 929 833 M17 25 IS 26
Uitherwarn . • L396 851 1,793 3 2 4
«rlben and Chinaman . . 833 768 34 13 9
Cbsmical product* • 1,167 4,858 26 24 88
Typographical and Kthcgrapbical prodnet* 1,056 264 9 13 2
Tcoacoo mai-ofactured ... 472 648 1.690 2 3 6
12200 40 35,318 5 27
: : : : : 861 344 393 10 8 8
Sped* 10,559 6,844 li03,655