Page 63 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 63
f.a the level prevailing in 1915 before the closure, At the average rate of exchange for the pur
fix.t 18 to 20 Tuuians per 100 Shiraz mans (£9 to poses of this report the rate of hire per ton range*!
£ JO per man). Mules were very few to start from £26 to £13 : at the actual rate early in 1917
with, and the price of fodder and exactions on it was however equivalent to over £GU per ton, a
tVe road very high. It was found Decessary to record for this road.
offer high rates to donkeymen in order to attract
tbern : and the merchants' agreement regarding
fired monthly rates remained in abeyance, with the Distribution of Imports, via Bushlre.
result that these soon rose, and remained very high
throughout the pcri«l under review. The following table will give a fair idea of the
Rates for mule-hire to Shiraz were, per 100 distribution of imports during March 1916-17
Shiraz mans =780 lbs-:—- and previous years. It will be seen that out of
21,167 tons imported through the Customs 10,632
j Males. Dotkoys. Camels-
tens were forwarded inland, or sold or forwarded
Kraus L t.d. Krara £ t. d. Kruno £ *. d• to other coast ports : the timber, coal and char
A’.gastl91C . V*) 10 0 0 350 8 16 0 350 8 15 0 coal, and most of the rice and flour were for con
Drceinlier*,, .520 13 0 0 415 11
]«th February 610 1C 0 0 570 14 6 C.GOO 15 OO sumption in Uushire itself. There wa* again a
1917. * substantial increase in the traffic with other
2G:h February 620 15 1 0 0 400 10 0 0 Persian porta.
1917. »
31st March 590 14 15 0 The figures given are obtained from Customs
1917. I statistics, except in the case of goods forwarded
lrt April 1917 550 13 1 5 0 to Shiraz, and those sent inland via Shief, which
lt-.h April 510 13 15 0 3G0 9 0 0 are recorded Ly the Municipality.
1917. 1
Total Import through Forwarded to Shiraz Sen* inland rid Shiof : Transhipped to Coast
Castouio. direct. (chiefly for ahiraz.) Ports.
1916-16- 1916-17. 1915-16. 1936-17. 1915-16. 1916-17. 1915-10. 1916-17.
Tons. Ton*. Toon. Toes. Tens. Tons. Tons. Tons.
Leaf sugar 456 903 251 149 121 611 692
Crystal sugar 2,434 6,755 1.207 184 721 1,348 2,661
Tea . . 1,674 250 14 105 77 1,017 101
Spivs • « 460 172 77 53 *7 180 149
F.ioe . 1,767 4,016 182 3G9 6ol 1,365
Fleur . 292 2/01 146 21
Dates . . 202 95
Wheat . • 7 112
Barley _ . 275 620 14
Cotton piece-goods 1,765 1,810 252 154 437 794 833
Cotton yarns an S08 448 181 22 48 114 119
<Ju1e, Tissues asd Yam* 16 10 2 6 29
Matches , . 30 106 3 40 14 19
Kerosene • . • 291 605 64 67 114 289 97
Metals (Block tin, etc.) . 132 116 6 i 23 23
Chrtaxars . . IS 9 9 8
Class ware . • 8 8 1
Wir^o-w-gi&s* . 2 10 1
Cmiles . • . 36 69 33 2 19 19 8
Indigo . . . 27 6 20
Cheirical products 24 88 20 10
16 26 7 1 1
HkfvrdaehsTy . • ••• 11 3 26 16 10
Coal and Charcoal 229 847 *
TimUr (wood) . . 2.5U0 1,957
Miscellaneous 1,306 V82 ••• 17 2!« 96 20 41
Total 14,029 21,467 2.139 U*1 2,454 4,959 «£69