Page 62 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
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                this njpon prefer tlio former road, as possessing   (iVr. B. Owing to political disturbances, thr-
                Letter s-uppljr of fodder, more conveniences and   figures given regarding routes terminating at Ispa­
                being shorter : donkeyraen prefer the FiruZabad   han cover only live months in 1915-lC, and ten
                road, because their habitat lies in the Firuzabad   months in 1916-17: those for the Bushirc-Shiraz
                District. Neither route can well be exclusively   road five months in 1915-16 and eight months in
                deemed the “ official M caravan rood.  1910-17. Forwarding by the Abwaz road was
                                                       exceptionally heavy during 191G-17, though no
                   Comparison of Import Traffic inland.  figures were recorded.)
                                                         An approximate estimate of the tonnage of the
                                        | 3014-1 ft  1MM« 1918-17
                                                       goods thus carried can be made by taking an
                From Bait ire to Sbirme .   ,  Mole* .  31,196  7.786  1,3*7  average mule-load as 320 lbs.: a donkey-load as
                                   Donkcjv 31,441   11,793  36,874  200 lbs.: a camcl-load as 100 lbs.
                                   Cazstli .   _  3.R8J  The chief points to note abont the year 1916-17
                                        C0.136  J9.548  31,1*96  are the general increase of traffic on all roads, and
                                                       more particularly on those from Bandar Abbas,
                From Bybiire to nomjaa  •ml Icr Load .  9,747  4,628  17.444
                 Sbiru rut bbieL                       though much of the donkey traffic by that route
                                                       is for intermediate places: secondly, the predo­
                From lUadar AlbiT t o L*r and for Mnle* .  6
                                   Donkcji.   6,424  14,341  23,766  minance of the donkey as the principal means
                                                       of transport.
                                  Camcla .  2/40  6.7S6  10/13
                                         7,871  Il.«7 I 40.058
                                                             Rates of Inland Transport Hire.
               Froro AIru to Irpahat .   ,  Mule* .  16,874
                                                        Pbecominal sums were paid in hire on all these
                                  Donkeji.  io,«e«  (not recorded)
                                                       roads during 1916-17. Whereas the cost per
                                  Camel* .             Sbah man (13*09 lbs.) for transport from Ahwaz
                                        37.34C         to Ispahan had ranged from 4 to C Krans from
                                                       1911 to 1914*, the rate had ris*n to 24- Krans
               .From 'STiirai dlrtctu-.m arrived ii-  Mule* .   3.343  8.125  3.098
                P*Ua.                                  before .March 1917, which works out, at the rates
                                   Donkeja.   1,608  4,020   of exchange ruling latterly, at £110 to £120 per
                                  Camcla .  7,605  3/38   3.325  ton for a distance of 2C0 miles only. It has been
                                        12,416  11,751  9,235  computed that the equivalent of £1,000,000 was
                                                       spent in transport hire on this Ahwaz-Ispahan
               From Hanrudau arrived If pah an . Mule*  2.083  1,302   3,t46  road alone during this one year. Granted the
                                  Dookex*.   1,331  CVt 2,270   scarcity of fodder and higher price for it, the
                                  Camel* .  31,628  2/S9   3 890  exactions of local Khans on the roads, and also
                                                      the great demand for animals owing to the heavy
                                        24.SU  4.383  9,668
                                                      stocks for forwarding, there can be no doubt that
               From Bu>dai Abbaa JorKtimaa . Mule* .  611  116  the rates paid to transport owners were needlessly
                                  Dockcj*.   8,760  24,355 43. oa  extravagant, and that an accord between forward­
                                                      ing agents at Ahwaz woald have enal led them to
                                  Camels .  3.346  1,381  3.6n
                                                      keep rates more level and much lower. The trou­
                                        12,708 ! 27/83  48,173  ble throughout Persia is that merchants are so
               From Bandar Abba* 5*rTaxd .  Dor ker».   1,600  8^35  4,883  ill-disposed towards each other, and so incapable
                                  Camel* .  2.728  12,316  22.638  of combination that they play into the hands of
                                        4.228  17,451  T7,622~  the owners of transport animals, whose demand*
                                                      are always extortionate. The- interests of the
               7ro» Taad arrived I^ahan   . Mule* .  19  18  9(«           consumer are entirely
                                                      consignee and the poorer
                                  Docker*.    148  840  disreearded: and this accounts for much of the
                                  Camel* .  1,206  238  1.678  penury and miserable condition of the poor ip
                                                      large inland towns, during this war more especi­
                                        3.638  30«  3/14
               From Bafear Abba* In .  Mala* .  no
                                                        As regards forwarding from Boshire to Shiraz
                                  Donkrji.   8/68 njot
                                                      in 1916-17, the opening of the roads in August
                                  Camels .  697  6 86$  19,108  1916 found Bushire with great accumulation <*
                                        6.809  ll-CoTf 42,744  stocks: and it was no longer possible to place hii®
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