Page 155 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 155


                                     TABLE No. 1-C-ton/d.
       P rlncipal Articles and Countries from wliich imported during the years 1928-29, 1929-30 and 1930-31
                                               Qcaktitt.              Vauce. a*i> Cocsrmcs ntox which ijh-okted.
                                         1928-29.  1929-30.  1930-31.  1928-29.  1929-30.  D <#30 31.

                                                                 £       £      £
                 Br      —canid.
         Penis                      Tons     30      4    2^95    307     45    7,979
       Spice*—                                                                  3.7*4
         India .   .                Pk€»-  1,902   1,586  1,775  4,709  3.509
         Penis                       99       7     12     132     20     46     360
         Other Countries                   1,123   010     153   2319   1,083
         India                       Lba.   900    700     450    821    582     280
       Con fectJODcry—
         United Kingdom             Pfcg*.                  11                    20
         India                       W                                            52
         Other countries                             3     20              7
         Persia                      Lbd.                  280                   148
         United Kingdom              W             225                    187
         Other countries                    soo    1,550   700    632   1.172    510
       Tin Prorisioni
         India                      Pkgs.    51            69     166            227
         United Kingdom                      35     95     38     139    260     117
         Other countries                      1     48     70      5      197     86
         United Kingdom             Galls.                  10                    7
         Other countries                                    80                    40
         India                      rkgs.    65             3      78             03
         Other countries                     13                    19
       Wines and Spirits—
         India                      Calls.  342     392    360    363     323    263
         United Kingdom                    2,430   1,028  1,474  2,684  1.957   1,759
         Persia                              72                    35
         Other countries                   1,582   1,346  1.152  1,268   .893    979
       Kerosene 03—
         Perris ,                   Galls.  71,010  1,16,148  83,204  3355  5,319  3,720
         Perris .                          • •           15,000                 1343
       Lubricating OQ—
         Perris .                    **                    336                    42
         India .                                           332                    42
       03 of all kinds—              99
         India                             2,447   2,172   401   3.102  2313    2,449
                Paiato, Colour* sad Dyes.
         India                       Pg-     83     42            532     299    178
       War as (Ochre)—
         Idea                       Pkg»-    99     48      55   2,190    916    718
         Persia                             278     119    102    398     140    133
   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160