Page 150 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
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                                             TABLE No. 1-A.
                             Total Imports during the yenrs 1928-29, 1929-30 and 1930-31.

                          Couktrus.                 1928-29.      1*29-30.      1930 31.

                                                       £             £             £
             India                                   2S8.589       214.998       185.032
             Persia                                   IG.282        21.475        33/* *8
             United Kingdom                           20.710        I9J74         16*19
             Africa                                   6.481         12,950        13^S8
             Aden                                     2.943          1.S92         1.0S2
             United States of Anniea                    359           262           73
             Other countries                          38.553        46.0*4        32274
                                        Total        343,917       317.295       262.478

                                             TABLE No. 1-B.
                  Principal Imports of Principal Articles during tte years 1928-29, 1929-30 and 1930-31.

                                                       Quahtitt.             Value.
                           Articles.                                        ;
                                                1928-29. - 1929-30.  1930-31. i 1928-29. : 1929-30.  1930-31.
                                                      ]                 £      £       £
                         Br Steamers.
             Rico                          Tons j  2,443  2,167  2.CS9  I  40,013  34,081  26.641
             Wheat                                 148     00     117   1.814  1,080
             Wheat flour .                  W      513     240    25*   6,260  3,177
             Pulse .                                61     58     72     959   1,055
             Other grains                           74     89     111    826    572
             Seeds .                                       62     85             41
             Cotton seeds                           37                    28
             Sugar Candy * .              . Cwt.   190            23     120    190
             Sugar, soft                          7,204                 6,232  2.108
             Sugar, loaf .   •                     440                   485    749
             Jaggery                                18     15            22      27
             Tea ...                               302     189           955    694
             Coffee .                     . Tons   350    512          29,390-  36^15
             Ghee .                       . Cases           2     135    7761     7
             Vegetable* .                 • PfcgR-        280     94     112    241
             Vegetable products                           971     791   4,882  1,566
             Fruits (fresh and dry)       . Cwt.           188    145    19T    296
             Dates ...                    . Tons            4    2J505   30T     45
             Spaces .                     . Pkg*.        2,108   2J/60  7,304  4.698
             Safina   ■   .               . Lbs.          700     450    821    582
             Confectionery                .Pkgs.            3     37             7
             Vermicelli •                 . Lbs.   800   1.775   980     632   1.358
             Ha prorinoos                 . Cwt.    87     143    177    310    463
             Syrup •                      . G*L                   90
             Starch                       . Tons    76             3     70
             Wines and Spirits            . GaL   4.426  3,364  2^92    P50    3,173
   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155