Page 237 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 237
2. The dates may he divided into two categories, 6. Wet dates on arrival from the interior arc
fir., (a) wet and (6) dry. delivered in Mat rah where they arc ©elected, pressed
The former comprise the following varieties:— and packed in boxes of 12 lbs. and 108 lbs. each.
Some arc also packed in cartons, which in turn
1. Fan!. 7. Khss;yib. arc packed in wooden bvxc.s containing 100-115
2. KLinid. 8. J'arfarah.
3. Ilurnr. 9. Bar.«hi. lbs. net,
4. 10. Xagal. 7. The date trade is practically entirely in the
5. AI/u-Naranj. 11. Madluki. hands of the Indian trading community, many of
0. 12. Hswnmi.
whom also act as commission agents for the producers.
whilst the Latter consist of :— 8. The price of dates is quoted by the IJhar,
1. Mulrfali. (equivalent to 1,800 lbs.) except when packed in
2. Cj.«Ii Abunaranj. boxe s or packets.
3. lUin/Jil.
4. llawauni. The following arc the average prices per blar that
3. Far-1 dates, which arc of premier quality, are have prevailed during the last two seasons:—
mostly the produce of Oman proper. They fetch 1032-33. 1933-34.
high prices and are exported to both the United Dry dates produced in Oaian . 81 Its.
Kingdom ;*nd the United States of America. Dry dates produced in Bitinnh . 45 44
4. Inferior quality dates such as:— Wet dates produced in Bitinah . 39 46
1. H-Jalx. 7. Sidi. Fard dates .... 33 69
2. Miz-uib. 8. Na^al HililL Fard dates packed in boxes, per
3. Sarnia. 9. Ga.-.h-.Mu>h/,ah. box ..... 15
4. Zfcbi.L 10. Shabrut. Fard dates packed in packets, per
pkt. .......
5. Mizang. 11. Airibukar. 9
6. U'uk.-Barash. 12. Xizad. 9. During the last two seasons the following
arc more generally used for local consumption, but quantities have been exjorted from Muscat:—
small qcar.tities find their way to the Trucial Oman Year. Bags. Value
and South East Arabian port*. (in K#.).
Dry dates arc chiefly exported to India. Dry date* . 1932-33 79,876 6.88,712
5. The date harveMing season extends from July 1933-34 98,748 8.71,317
Mats and boxes
to September and the first consignments usually Wet dates . 1932-33 40,223 X38.165
leave Muscat about mid-August. 1933-34 44,312 2*32,906
Sugar Trade of Muscat-
1229-30. 1930-31. 1931-32. 1932-33. 1933-34,
1. IP/ Icialc price per bag— Rs. A_ Rs. A. Bi. A. Re. a. Its. x.
Saga.' ...... IB O 14 12 13 8 12 14 12 8
S ••or candy . G4 O 53 0 48 0 43 0 38 0
Leaf ugar............................................... 15 6 14 6 10 9 9 11 9 6
2. Hi tail price per Bk—
Sugar . ..... 1 6 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1
Suear candy . 3 3 2 9 2 6 2 3 2 0
Leif *ugar ..... 2 9 2 7 2 0 1 9 1 9
3. Total mights in cirts. of sugar imported— Cwta. Cwta. Cwta. Cwta. Cwta.
Sofar ...... 17,374! 20,330 14,702 18,960 15,164
Sufar candy . ... 145 65 95 100 50
Loaf aagar . . . . • 741 250 50 1.775 250
4. Avenge weight of full bag— Lba.
Snftr.......................................................... 229
Sugar candy ..... 379
Loaf augar ..... 129
5. WeiffJ of empty 6«#— Lba.
8 a far ...... 5
Suf ar candy ..... C
Leaf sugar .....
fiugar and vngar candy am mostly imported from Java and loaf aegar from Belgian. -
Ordinary double gunny bag* am uaod for packing 6tft sugar w hereat loaf sugar and eogar candy am packed la ahigJm
fanny feagm.