Page 233 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 233
Report on ihe Trade of Muscat for the year 1933-34.
The Maria Theresa Dollar fluctuates in value
considerably, being a fleeted by the world price of
silver, by the local demand in the date Mason, and
General Description of the Sultanate of Muscat.
Muscat is the Capital of the independent Sultanate by the state of the Bahrein pearl market.
Trade accounts are kept in Mohammadis and Gajh,
of that name situated on the Eastern Coast of Arabia. hypothetical units of which the former comprises
With the exception of a small strip on the cast coast two species, the black Mohamnadi and the white.
of the Musandum Peninsula between Dibba and Khcr The latter is used as a basis of calculation in whole
Kalba, which appertains to minor Trucial Sheikha,
the sea-board of the Sultanate extends in the north sale transactions, whilst the black Mohammadi,
from Tibat, on the western shores of the Musandum twenty and a half of which constitute a Dollar, ia
used for petty retail trade. Most hundis from India
Peninsula, to Ras Dharbat Ali in the south, situated show their face value in MoLammadis and not in
some 290 miles due north of the extreme westerly rupees.
point of Socotra Island.
Inland the Sultanate extends to the borders of the 20 Gajh . 1 Moh.»nmadi.
Great Desert, now better known perhaps as the 11} Mohammadis . 1 1>,liar.
Ruba’ Khali. Of late years the Omanis having 100 *• . 1 Toeeio.
become autonomous, the writ of the .Sultan merely
runs throughout a coastal belt varying in depth Exchange Rate.
from some 15 to 30 miles.
The interior is for the most part mountainous, Ex< h »x;t rot 100 Xura iutua
the main ranges running approximately paraslcl to
the sea coast with barren, n-cky off-hoots extending 1931-32. 1932-32. 1932-24.
in places down to the sea. TLc higher inland ranges,
with a comparatively good rainfall, are wooded in Ea. A. r. iu. a. r. Ba. a. r.
places and generally fertile. Highest buxar rate . 84 6 O 64 e o 96 0 0
The sea coast for some ISO miles north west of
Muscat is known as the Batinah. It consists of a Lo* cat baxxar rate . 63 0 0 75 8 ft 85 0 0
fertile strip covered for some 100 miles of its length .Average buxtr rate . 73 0 O 60 14 * 90 8 •
with extensive date groves.
The remainder of the coast line within the limits of
the Sultanate are barren and forbidding, with the Weights and Measures.
notable exception of Dhefar in the extreme south. The weights used in the Customs Department
This southern province of Dhefar extends from prescribed in Muscat, Matrah and the Coast towns
Murbat in the east to Ras Dharbat Ali in the west, are :—
and is bounded on the north by the Qura mountains. 1 Kijaa ... The weight of 6 dollars or
Being well affected by the monsoon rains and being 5-5-370 oza.
blessed with several perennial streams, this area, 24 „ . 1 Mi.<eat Murad.
10 Muscat maunds
particularly round Salalah, is extremely fertile. 200 . 1 FansilaL
. 1 Ba&ar.
The town of Muscat, once important and pros 99
perous, has given place to the adjoining part of Rice is sold by the bag; other cereals by the follow
Matrah as the trade centre and focus of commercial ing measures:—
dealings with the Batinah and the interior.
Muscat however still continues to be the seat of 20 Palis . . 1 Punk.
Government and the capital of the Sultanate. 20 Fsrrabs . 1 KWdL
The rupee which weighs one tola and the dollar, of
Currency. which the weight is called “Auqia”, are used for
The currency of the country is the Maria Theresa weighing drugs ar.d perfumes. One “ Auqia ” equals
Dollar .and the copper coin, known as the Baiza, eight “ MisqaU
minted in 1895 to the order of His Highness the
Sultan. In Muscat and Matrah, sovereigns, Indian Measures (Lxaear).
currency notes and rup>ccs are generally accepted, 1 Rhihr 1 Hud or ncka.
but the .dollar is the ouly currency recognised in .the 4 Hhiots . .1 Dhira or cubut.
interior. 4 Dhiras • . I Ba* or faUftooa.