Page 230 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 230

            Return of Britijh Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port durin* tha
                                               year 1932-33.
                                             (/I) Steam Vessels.
                                  Druio.                                 Cleard.
                        With Carso.  In Ballast.  Total.  COCSTRIRS TO   With Carso.  1, I* Dallir.  Total.
              COWTUDI                                                  li
            TTU5CK DUAID.                           Wllica CLKAkKD.
                        No.       No.     No                  No         No.    No.
                        of  Tonnage.  «<  Ton*  of'  Toijdajp.  at  ToODAf".  of  Ton-  of  Tonnage.
                       V z        V**-  UAtfP. v«*            V Z       V«n*  mage.  V e
                       •C         Kb.    APIA.                U         reh.
            United Kligdvtn  II  CO,MB     11  C0.MB  IVniaa. Gall  11  CO,SIB   11    00,549
            India .      52  172,232      W   172232  India    52  172,212       52   172^32
                Total       232,781        C3  2,32.7a!  Total  03  232,7-1      03   232. 781

                                            (D) Sailihg Tc*sds.

            India        08  7,635         68  7023  India     32   3,MS  36 Z.C'JO  08  7,033
                Total    «8  7,035         08  7.613   Total   32   3,M3  36  3, C70  08  7.035

            Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
                                          during the year 1932-33.
                                             (il) Steam Vessels.

                                   enterld.                               Cl LAUD.
                        With Cargo.  is Ballast.               With Carso.  Is Ballast.  Total.
             Nationality or                 Total   Nationality of
                        No        No      No                   No                No
                        of*  Tonnage.  Ton­  Tonnage.          a  Tonnage.  *o?'  Too-  Tonnage.
                        Vt*-      V«-  nage.  V                To-       Ve»-  toge.  r»
                                  K       Kb.                  K-X       K      Ada.
            British      03  232.781       03  232,781  Brit**  63  232.781      03   232,781
            German       8   49,823        8   0,323  German    8   48,823        8    49,923
                TOIL     71  28.V04        71  ££2,704  Total   n  282.70*4      71   282,704
                                            (B) Sailing Vessel*.
            lad La   *   08   7,035        08  7.035  India (Britiab) .   32  3^45  30  3^90  68  7,035
            Feral*       <    300          8    300  Pma             30*          8     300
            Other Cenatriea .  82  3,400   32  2.400  Other Co on trie* .  22  2^94  10  1470  82  3,408

                Total   100  11,401       100  11,401  Total   60         40 4,800  100  11,401
                                           MGIBC—X—VI *2—27-4-34—08.

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