Page 227 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 227


                                     TABLE No. 2-C—could.
        Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 1930-31, 1931-32 and 1932-33

                                                Quantity.             Value.
         Articles and Countries to which kxihirted.
                                          19WJ1.  1931-32.  1932-33.  1930-31.  1931 32.  1932-33.
                                                                 £      Ra.    Rm.
                 By Steamkm—cok<U.
                 MiJicinci «l*<#
       M-di<ilif**—                                                     2,2.'/)
         IVf.-i* ...                 rig-*.   20     51            12
         Ill'li A   •   .   .                 1
         India   ...                          7      4             i;    210
        . l’.-rria                            2                     2
       l-Mt hair—
         India   ...                          7      38             7    390
         Criited Kingdom                             12                   120
       Goat ekiiM—                                                951   2,100
         India                               110     72
         |VlMA   ...                          9      G            I3»»   300
              Oulf                                          4                    300
        liiil-- and lyatliei ware—
         India                                11                   72
       Mattings—                                                          15
         Ir.-di*                                     1
         l*»T.-ia   ;                         29                   21
        L'li'diug Materials—
         l*-r*ia   ...                       235    150            M      SO
       IVrfniiieiy—                                                      105
         iVrsia                               15     II            2i>
       Motor ears—                                          2                   5,200
         Ivrsian Culf _ .            -\Cr.
       Articles not sjiceilied—                                           15
         India                                                            15
         CniU’d Kingdom
         Persia                                                           40
                                                                121.971  15,10,437  15,82,310
                  Total Exi-okt bt .Steamers
                 By Saiunc Vessels.
       I’uL-                                         2                   270
         India                       Tons
       Fi.h, dry and salted—                         15            11    155   10,625
         India                       r*s«-    4          2&3H3
       Sardine, drv—                              10.197  23^7.0  1,416  30,775  86,425
         India ’ .                    m     0,957
       Cattles—                                     153            99    710
         India   .   .                99     210
       Cowries—                                     67             50    456
         India   .                    99     118
       Fieh oil—                                    132    6*2           735    1*560
         India   .   .               Tina
       Fiab Muuure—                                       45*1                 6^10
         India    • i                rig*.
       Sharkfins—                                          257
         India   .   ,
   222   223   224   225   226   227   228   229   230   231   232