Page 223 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 223
TABLE No. 2-B—could.
Total Export of Principal Articles during the years 1930-ot, 1931-32 and 1932-33—confi
Qc.urrrrT. Valce.
1030 31. 1031-32. 1932-33. 1030-31. 1011-32. 1932-33.
£ R*. IU.
Bv Steamers—
Painti, Dyes and Colour*.
Warns (erhre) . Pkgs. 2 30
Hcdua leaves 8 B
Precious Stones, Ovid and Silver.
Tcarls . Tins 1 107
Gold . Tolas 2,000 2,010 6,030 2,533 51.000 1,02,300
Silver . 10,300 3,000
Colton goods . Pkgs. 138 51 23 4.038 35.800 16,025
Cnrj>cts 1 80
Twine . ft 13 30
Silk Vara M 4 2,000
Tobacco and Smokinj requisites.
Tobacco Pkgs. 32 1,000
Medicines and Drugs.
Medicines Pkgs. 21 51 13 2,250
Copper rkgs. 7 4 17 240
Soap .... 2 2
Goat skins . 119 78 4 1.081 2.4 GO 300
Goat hair 7 50 7 710
Hides and Loathenrare . 11 72
Mattings 29 1 24 15
Buildup materials 235 150 90 SO
PcrfattcTT ... 15 11 •# 20 105 5,200
Motor ears . No5. 2 70
Article* not specified above 8
121,971 15.10,437 15.82,310
Total Extort bt Steamers
Br Sailin'a Vessels.
Pulse Ton* 2 • • • • 270 •9
Fish, dry and salted 4 15 28,303 1,416 30,775 10,625
Sardine, dry 0,957 10,197 23.850
Mother ot Pearls • •» 710
Cuttles 210 153 99 450
Cowries , . 118 67 735 1,560
Fish oB 132 602 6,910
Fish manure • 4,501
fcharkfins 257 3,370