Page 222 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
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                                            TABLE No. 2-A.

                            Total Export during the years 1930-31, 1931-32 and 1932-33.
                          Cocsriacs.               1030-31.       1U51.32.      1032-33.   -

                                                     £             Rs.           It*.
            India ...                               $3,018       9.13.S80      12.01,322
            Ceylon .                                14.828        iX"w          2,'H,733
            Vtiiud State* oi America                12.124         J9.520        40.825
            Afiii* .                                 4,403         43,350        43.155
            P«r>a i                                  7,419         19,077       1.23,317
            China .                                  3,435         3T.«HK)       21.025
            Ccrcanv                                  5,787        3.70.920      2.77.350
            United Kingdom                            711          13,310         0.730
            Singapore                                 310          13,005        1 l.iWO
            Adci    .   .                             312          4.200          9.500
            Persian Gulf .                                                       78.525
                                      Total         132,797      17.07.327     2-r.27.334

                                            TABLE No. 2-B.
                   Total Export of Principal Articles during the years 1930-31, 1931-32 and 1932-33.

                                                     Qcaktitt.              Value.
                                              1930-3 L  1931-32.  1932-31  1930-31.  1931-32.  1932-31

                                                                       £     Its.    P.3.
                       Bv Steamer-i.
                          Ct reals.
           Bice .                        Ton*      1     1 14            12     15
           Wheat flour .                                 1,14            8      12
           Sardine, dry.                . Pfcg*.  41599  82.183  84.382  9.XJ3  3,92.109   3 J 0,875
           Pith, dry and tailed                 12.973  I7,>34  22.013  14,991  2,01.loO   2.16,360
            £hirkfi ns                           900     $29    018   2,1*02  36,825   20.7*X>
           Mitht r of Pearls .                   2-.*4   145    215     1*74  10Jo*)  8^50
           Cuttles                         99     48      47            26     350
           Cornel .   * .                  99      5                     3
           Fi-b }lin .                     99     00      72     19     472   4.CU0   $50
           Tortoise shell                          1                    10
           Dttes, dry .                  Toas    4.098  42161  4,751  54,*.'19  5,0*100  5.69.450
           JXtes, wet .                          1,283   959   J.'dl  21.078  1,80,085  1,91.850
           Uses, dry and fresh                    127     75    125    4,707  31.705  41,660
           Pomegranates                 .Crates  4.221  4.GG2  3.171  3.745  48,310  28,540
           Coffee .                      Tons      5      4             201           150
           Cite                         . Tina    31           . 10     66
            flaiva (sweets)              . Ca*e*          3
           Fpices .                     . Pkga.    1     125   * •       6
           fsagar soft .                . C«*.    30      2    # •      15
           Wines and Spirits            . Gafla.  CO     166   + •      41
           Ten                           . Pkg*.   2                    n 7
           "Loaf sugar .                 . Cwt*.   22                    12
           Tin provisions                . Pig*.   10

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