Page 253 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 253
TABLE No. 2-B-conCl
Total Export of Principal Articles during the years 1931-32, 1932-33 and 1933-34—toniJ.
Quaktitt. Valce.
1931-32. 1932-33. 1033-34. 1931-32. 1932-33. 193-24.
Ur Steamers—covtd. Its. P.s. Rs-
Cot too Pig*. 3K 12:00
CM ton goods 31 3 as 35,8' <o K..425 38.I<X>
Silk Yarn . 4 2,wo
Tobacco (in<i Smoking Requisites.
T-oUcco ,Pkg». 32 IMiO
Medicines and drugs.
Medkinoa - Pkgs. 51 20 2*50 280
Copprr . Pkg*. 4 2 tO
(rt.u tkins . 78 4 2.4*0 2)0
Coat hair . 50 7J0
lfidfa and Icithcrwaro . T9 57 5-793
Mattings . 1 69 Jo 3t5
BuilUng materials . 150 SO
P-rfimory . . 11 103
HoV* car* .... Xoe. 2 5^00
.Vrlirk-s not specified above . 70 8*5
Total Extort by Steamers 15.1M37 I5^S2^10 14.93,810
By Saiuxc Vessels.
PuLe Tons 2 270
FuA. dry and aallod . Pigs. 15 28.303 3.739 155 1 Q.<25 14.370
Sarlino, diy 10,197 23.830 5,618 30,775 86.425 24,200
Cuttle* 153 710
Gearies . . 99 57 450
FitA oil • , Tins 132 602 387 735 uxn 718
Fi*A man ore Pkgs. 4,501 6310
Shkrkfiu . . 99 3370
Dates, dry . . Tons 1.010 992 . 1.245 92595 1,19262 1,57.802
Dates, wet . 49 1,070 835 3/«4o 46215 49.601
JVnegranaloe . Crates 10 6 loO 55
Lines, dry and fresh . Tons 22 77 151 9,500 2*934 30.612
Date juice . • . Tins 12 40
Sufar, loaf . . Pkgs. 100 521 L2I5 4^54
fiu^ar, soft . . 0*1 s. 702 4.387
Winos and Spirits . Gals. 114 340 138 1^55 7JM0 il80
Kerosene ofl 448 14,928 308 9.079
Tobacco Pigs. 674 138 23J388 7,475
Medicines and Drugs.
Medicines PIP 162 147 112 2/J55 1.910 1.220