Page 257 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 257

                                     TABLE No. 2-C—con/d.
       Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 1931-32, 1932-33 and 1933-34

                                                Quantity.              Valck
         ^jjticles .tsu Cor nth its to which EX 1*0 BT ED.
                                          1931 32.  1932-33.   1953-34.  1931-32.  1932-33.  1953-34.
                                                                 R*.    Rs-     IU.

               Br Sailing Vessels—conld.
         India                       Pkg*.    67                   450
       Fish oil—
         India                       Tins    132    G02    387     735   1-560    718
       Fljh manure—
         India                      . l*kgs.       4,501                 6-010
       Shark fin*—
         India                                      257                  3-370
       Dates, dry—
         India                       Tons   1,010   992          92,595  1,19-262  1-57,802
       Dates, wet—
         Airi  ca                                                                2,236
        India                                24      70           1,745  5,300    565
        Aden                                 25     145           1,300  9-500  19,600
        • Persia                      tv            855                 31-515  27,200
         India                      .Crate*  10              6     100            55
       Limes, dry and wet—
         Persia                      Tons     7      31    138    3,000  8.564  29,117
         India                               15      3      13    6,500   910    1,495
         Persian Golf                 99             43                 13,430
       Date joke—
         India .   .                 Tins    12                    40
       Sugar, loaf—
         Persian Golf              -Pk«..           100    521           1,215   4,954
       Sugar, soft—
         India                       Cwts.   702                  4,387
       Wine* and Spirit*—■
        India                        Gal*.   114    340    138    1,555  7-550  2,180

       Kerosene o3—
        India                        Gal*.   448         14,928    306          9,079

        Prrria                      Case*           674    138          23,388  7,479
   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262