Page 284 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 284
TABLE No. 2-B—toncld.
Total Export of Principal Articles during the years 1932-33, 1933-34 and 1934-35—conclJ.
1052.33. 1933-34. 1931.33. 1932-33. 1933 34. 1031-'
its. 1U. Pa.
By Saiusc Vessels—<onti.
Dates dry . . . Ton# M»2 1,245 3.173 1,10,202 1,57,802 3.03,720
Dates, wet . 1,070 835 3. >03 40.315 4i*,ooi •9,27K
Pomegranate* Cn»tc* 0 3 55 55
Uses, dr}' and fresh . T-<ns 77 151 120 1*2.034 3»‘,012 29,705
Date Jui-s . . T«i.» 203 339
• Prorition*.
■ .Sugar. loaf . . Pk?*. 100 521 1,130 1,215 4.054 13.235
.Supar, soft . . C*ts. 102 1.116
Wise* and Spirits . Otis. 310 138 7,550 -.180
Kerosene oD. . C-jIs. 14.028 0.079
Tobacco . Fkgs. 074 138 453 23,383 7,473 10,350
MoTuitoU and Druji.
Medicine* Pkgs. 147 112 5 1,910 1,220 1,340
Raw v-otton . Pkgs. 475 17,930
Twist . 1
Cotton goods 255 145 105 23.CS0 *5.145 6.257
99 1 230
Cost huir ... Pkg*. 17 120 500 9.005
Coat akin 31 53 21 COO 1,163 480
Mat* and 3Ut bags 1,250 4,953 11,348 19.030 13,055 22.750
BvDding Materials 170
Ghbe . • • . TiLs 651 277 216 7,770 2,960 2.074
Firewood IJabars 964 908 887 61.880 56,692 45,011
Animals -Vos. 25 300
Mualcal Instrument* Cases 11 3 2,196 306
Jaggery Pkgs. 300 1,500
Henna Leaves . 101 300
Date Sticks . BdU. 11,714 0,149
Imitation Silver thread . Pkgs. 20
Bar Soap ...
Sundries ... 49
99 77
Sandalwood . 99 SI
Wool ....
Hides .... 99 32
CVsl . . . .
Vegetables ... 99 370
Articles not specified lion 99 25
162 1,845
Total Extort lt Sailixo Vessels . • • 4,45,024 3.87.420 8,52,409