Page 289 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 289

                                     TABLE No. 2-C—concld.
             Principal Articles and Countries to which exported during the years 1932-33, 1933-34 and
                                        1534-35—c one Id. _________________________
                                                Qcantitt.              Valve.
       '^Autjcixs and CocNTiurs to which lxjortkd.
                                          1932-33.  1933-34.  1931-35.  1932 33.  1933-31.  1034-35.

                                                                 Rb.    Re.     Rh.
                By Sailing Vessels—rone'd.
                   Miicellanuru—con Id.
        Husiral Instruments—
          IndiA .                    Casta           11      3           2,190   306
          India   .  ^  .            Pkp.                   21                   GOO
          Other countries                                   50                   660
        Date ‘tick*—
          Persian Gulf .   •         Bdk.                 11,714                6,149
          India   .                  Bap                   300                  1,300
        Henna hares—
          Persian Gulf              . ri»p».               101                   3G0
        Vecet aL!«:s—
         Persian Gulf                                       25                    50
        Articles not .specified abovo—
         IndiA   .   .   •                                                W5    4,279
         Other countries                                                        1.288
               Total Exfort et Sailing Vrsnxs                   4,45.024  3,87,420  8,52.409
                Statement showing market rates of dates and sardines during the year 1934-35.
                                       (Hates per bah-'ir.)
                                            Dry dates.        Wet dates.
                      Months.                                                 Sardines.
                                          Omani.  Balani.  Omani.  FarJ.  Batani.
        April                              79     38      58     36     54     50
        H*y                                86             63     56            74
        Jnue .   .                         68             35     43     25     44
        July .                             121    69      49                   47
        August                             110    53      47            40      47
        September .                        86     47      45     49     38      47
        October                            82     49      51     47     36      47
        November .                         80     48      53     43     33      47
        December .                         88     56      57     50     31      42
        January                            84     65      58     43     25      47
        February                           94     62      52     42     24      42
        March .                            93     55      42     39     22      47
                                 Total .  1,071   512    610    448     328    581
        Highest                           121     69             56             74
        Average                            89*25  45*17          37 33          48*42
        Lowest                             08     38             36             42
   284   285   286   287   288   289   290   291   292   293   294