Page 304 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 304
TABLE K«. l-C-<orJ<L
Principal Article* nnd Countries Crom which imported during the yenn 1933-34,1934-35 nod
Qcajtstt. Value.
Asticlcs ass) Cocntbu* fro* Wiiicu utroHco.
19 33-31. 1931-35. 103o-3<>. 1933-34. 1934-33. 1935-36.
1U Ba lts.
Bt Sxeaxi:*3—coatd.
Wine* tod If CriU—
India Galt. 170 225 83 2,667 1.430 264
United Kingdo* 1564 2.295 1,100 31,929 18.561 21.004
Germany . *1 1.015 944 5.0*7 12,901
Other Co’itwiaa 99 1J64 248 312 16,635 3.065 5.926
FL-b oil, Jap&a . Gale. 1,450 3,280 12.562 5.609
Ktro^ne Oil—
Per.ia . 8*000 75-.190 1,CO,GOO 34,102 36.636 C*),006
Persia «» I2#-G 17,C«X) 1,04.020 12,840 16,887 S3.C10
Lubricating Gul—
Persia . M 2520 700 1.224 1,170 1,577 2,638
Germane . M 2,940 4.453
Oil of all kind*- I
India Guvs 2s0S0 l'.?260 2,325 30,123 31,500 31,865
Persia 99 30 5S0
paints, Cclcurs and Dyes.
Drr Colour—
United Kiegdeqa 9 . Our a 10 10 9 1,012 C20 595
India 17 33 24 2,5*»3 3,609 3,996
GcJuury . W 10 6 1,35b 925
Tnn<Mitia» -
India . . Pigs. 2 400
Aden 99 35 61 36 7,658 13,611 9.541
Persian Gulf m 4 855
Median's and Drugs.
India Pkgs. 101 115 224 5.201 2,020 5.608
Persia . . . 73 101 5.036 4,708
Other Countries 5 2 10 1,340 180 1,250
Persia . Lbs. 256 70 171 6,719 2,436 6.059
India ... PL««. 134 53 4.392 2,042
Persia and Persian Golf 64 13 4,109 268
Other Countries . 99 69 5,021
Hospital .Stores—
New York 9 22 1,282 1,015
Other Co tun tries , «• 122 3,320
Tamils Fabric.
Cotton Good*-
Caine Pk^ 241 2 27.060 225
India 367 375 800 1,17.674 1,17530 1.9*.?01
United Kanidom . 60 79 93 28,190 36.216 47,550
Persia and Persian Golf 180 114 43,396 25.874
Japan . . • 1*574 2,135 2^08 3,31,387 4,63,104 W0.162
Other Countries • U 15 16 10,028 6,907 9.084