Page 300 - 8 Persian Trade rep Muscat 2_Neat
P. 300
TABLE No. 1-B—ccnld.
Imports of Principal Articles during the years 1933-34,1934-33 and 1935-3$—conld.
QrASTirr. Value.
1933-34. 1931-35. I&33.36. 1933-34. 1934-35. 1933.30.
1U Ita. Ha.
Hr Steaneas—condi.
and Af« t*oric4.
Motor Can (old) New. 2 2 0,075 3,900
Motor Cara . 5 7,200
Acotsforhn . lip. 100 145 1ST 9,32 2 10,923 3,372
Matches .... Cans 200 90 416 14.372 4,772 23.080
Stationery .... 6 29 41 720 2,4 SI 3,018
Wax i«j<t .... pip-; 37 56 42 3.211 • 0.211 fl.WKi
Watte psper ... •» ! GO IIS 70 1 2.493 « 3.375 1.550
Perfume .... Box?* 22 123 Cl 1 4,64 4 ' 7,141 6.298
Soap ..... Casts 477 G52 725 6,590 • G,4*>7 7,776
Leather shorn 7 3 1,313 1.264
Gum (Uenjurain) ... Pkp. i 148 no 127 7.119 G..701 8.3S7
Enameiwarc ... 3G5 421 392 10,015 17.129 15.231
GU?i an-l Earthenware . 57 17 2,969 3,*'4l
Aluminium ware ... • I 3 15 Si 1.0S1 4.G3* 5,149
Funuture .... - i 7 54 ; 392 1,087
Cutlery .... 32 | !• •1,103
BuiMitg materials 551 42 i GO 5.151 i 459
r I 552
Box boird* (shook*) 3,977 . 1,074 18,703 21,235 10,275
Hide* and Leatherwire . 3 i 12 1(5 1.917
Hardware .... : i 212 4,435 i c:o 5.1 >7 j 13.593 10,720
Metal............................................. 1G9 420 : 132 4,210 7,220 5,786
Machinery .... 111 | 17.318
Tallow .... Tbs S 64 782
Lamp-are .... Pkp. • 30 5? ; S7 3.033 2,870
Musical instruments . . ; 55 146 j 64 13,110 20,499 3.551
Cartoons .... 10 1,260
Gas cylinders . . • New. ii 10 19 250
Sewing machines ... Ca^ 24 10 1 2.895 1,936 394
Canvas shoes ... 40 54 55 ; 1,875 3,412 3,541
Fish hooka .... 6 2,946
Sandal wood Bdk. ! 24 25 33 3,901 3,616 4.652
A par dast .... Bap 1 134 210 148 ' 2,233 2,979 2,670
Watches .... Cares •> 4 4
Cement .... Bap •• 8,243 1,084 193
Miscellaneous goods with paneogen ■ 11,416 1,26,661 57.530 14.866
Articles not specified above . . i 8,715 22,616 58,420
Totai. Imposts bt 6nujrrE*
l 19,09.922 j 22,19,151 25.07.522
Br Sailtco Vessel*.
Bice . Toss 5.7S4 7,733 9.543
Wheat E 368 237 3'. 6 1 6,46,019 9,11.286 8,00.87!
Wheat flour . 701 825 1,565 j 09,191 22,675 27,325
Fulhe . 37 17 3.150 1,43,870
Other Grains 169 139 ill 2,109
Seeds . Pkp. li 1,816 15,357 10,936 4.749
Wheat Bran 288 758 1,293 3,964
Sugar Soft . Cwa. t 12,712 13,622 18,196 78,372 72,596 1.04,799
J*se«7 23 10
Tea . 3 52 64 101
Coffee . . Torn 3 31 2 150 1,259
Ghee . . Cases . 482 246 510 11,272 12,437